My Favorite Books

In your light do we see light.

Psalm 36:9

“My Favorite Books”  is a new page that I have added to The Glorious Deeds of Christ blog. All the books listed have stretched my theological thinking, deepened my love for Christ, or expanded my understanding of Holy Scripture. Some titles I read as a young Christian serving in the Agape Force ministry, others as new Charismatic just experiencing the spiritual gifts, and still others, I read this past year after thirty years of ministry.

I have been helped by many Evangelical, a few Roman Catholic, and some Eastern Orthodox writers. Within Evangelicalism, I have read Wesleyan, Reformed, and Charismatic works. My list is an on-going project: I will be adding more titles and sections throughout the coming year. Also, I hope to annotate the list in the near future.

If you would like to add a book of notable influence in your Christian life to my discussion, go to the comments section, leave the name of the book, its author, and the reason why that book blessed you.

May the Holy Spirit continue to encourage us through the writing ministry of others.

Commit your life to the serious reading of books, and your life will be enlightened.

Tony Reinke, Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books (Crossway, 2011).